Friday, February 26, 2016


*A post written by Molly Schmeidler, Fayetteville Ozone Director

There is something magical about seeing Camp War Eagle in the winter-time. The cabins are locked, the cove is dry, and the intercom hasn’t been used in months. Leafless trees reveal special views of Beaver Lake, normally hidden by the green foliage. Piles of timber and construction bobcats designate new projects the maintenance team is tackling. Going through the gates at camp ignites a special feeling within all of us, and we were just itching to share a winter-spin on the camp experience with our high school students!

Summit students from the NWA area were invited to break away from their typical Friday night routine at our winter Breakaway. For the second time this school year, we packed the 14-passenger vans with high school students and headed out to Camp War Eagle for an evening filled with slurping soup, throwing dodgeballs, and worship among lifelong camp friends.
The Crafts Center was rocking with Chow Hall cheers and hollers from the moment the vans pulled up. Students from the different cities familiar with one another from camp reunited with their former cabin mates, and other students made new friends.
Dodgeball displayed an element of camp difficult to explain to new parents and kids to CWE. Whether you have an athletic arm to snipe a kid diagonally across the court, or are silly and uncompetitive enough to create your own fun, games at camp allow kids to play a role in which they will thrive. Junior Fayetteville student, Katy Beth Ezell, lead her team in strategy, calling out the forward advances and retreats. At the same time Ozone Director Joe Collura caused many to cower and laugh with his fake throwing motion accompanied with a strong efforted sound.

We love all our students, and for the high schoolers particularly, we couldn’t think of a better way to show that love except to step away from the norm, have fun, and give thanks together in our favorite place. With an atmosphere of christmas lights, candles, and songs of praise, we explored the meaning of worship. We taught that worship, ascribing highest value to God, finds its fullness when done with all our being, personally and in community. The entire evening was an example of this: students giving up their normal plans, having fun with one another, learning about the new goals they have set for 2016, and capping the evening with prayer and songs. We are so proud and so thrilled about who our students are and who they are becoming, and we got to celebrate that on January 15th at Breakaway!