Karley, left, participating in Great Pretenders '12 |
I have been to Camp War Eagle’s summer sessions for four
years, and even a family retreat. These fun summer days left me with incredible
feelings and memories of new friends, worshiping God, and enjoying the great outdoors.
Sadly, the feeling is a quick high and fleets with reality of returning to
routine life. “High School is rough,” is the warning I received from friends
and family, and it is true. However, there is a solution.
The solution is simple; get involved in something that
represents you. I quickly became involved in high school without assessing my
morals or myself. Many call this journey “finding-yourself,” “life” or “self-actualization.”
But, for me it was an act of God and I found my way to Ozone. Maybe that is
dramatic, but for me it is reality. My friends found joy in parties and drama.
I disdained not being allowed to pray before sports games. I had dry attempts
and frustration at becoming a better artist. Those were my struggles and I had
no clue what to do until Ozone.
Springdale Summit |
I am so thankful for my parents. They saw my struggles my
junior year of high school and thought that Ozone would be an ideal place for
me. My mother literally dragged me there, bribed me with a McDonald’s sweet
tea, pushed me in and ran. When I walked through the doors of Ozone, I saw
people laughing, playing games, hugging. I was greeted with open arms.
There is never a set schedule of activities for Ozone. I
love it. Some days its all games and food, some days it is pouring into prayer,
some days it is just talking, some days it is growing in our knowledge of God’s
amazing book, the Bible and sometimes it is all of it! Every time I leave,
three things are accomplished. First, I feel revived enough to make it through
the rest of my week, second, fellowship happens and third, my relationship with
the Lord is strengthened. Ozone is a big group of fun people who really, really
love God and really, really want to share that love.
Springdale Summit Girls Christmas Cookie Party |
It is now my senior year, and I couldn’t be happier with
where I am in life. Francis Chan, a Christian writer, wrote, “Do you know that
nothing you do in this life will ever matter, unless it is about loving God and
loving the people he has made?” I am so thankful for Ozone. I don’t know what I
would do without Erin, my leader in Springdale, to talk to and lean on. I don’t
think she will ever realize how much I need her encouragement and light in my
life. She has been leading Ozone through the book of Luke and showing us how
Christ accepts everyone, Jew or Gentile. I love the college girls who minister
to us constantly. This year Ali Dunaway (Springdale Intern) has really impacted
my life. She has invited me into her life and shown me a way of having clean
fun that can happen at all times. She has helped me overcome emotions and
stumbling blocks by leading me to God’s Word. I love the students I attend to
Ozone with! I love being able to share words of encouragement to all the girls
and be part of their growth in God. They are a solid group of friends with
hearts in the right place, they are always there for me and in that aspect is
what makes Ozone so great. At school it is great to have a group of friends
too. This year we have competed in a lip-syncing competition, cleaned up Beaver
Lake, visited colleges, had an amazing Christmas party, and just hung out at
least once a week. These are amazing opportunities I would never find and do
Springdale Summit girls hang out at Braum's |
Camp War Eagle’s Ozone is perfect for me, because it is a
reflection of my morals and who I am. I went from being dragged into it, to now
driving all the way across town with pure glee and excitement. Ozone has really helped though high school and
just life in general. I am always so thankful to be a part of the amazing