Maggie Bates has served as an intern for Rogers Ozone for the past two years. Here is your chance to get to know Maggie a little bit better!
Where are you from?
Fayetteville, AR
What school do you attend and what are you studying?
The University of Arkansas. English and Creative Writing.
How did you hear about Ozone and why did you want to get involved?
I worked at Camp War Eagle for two summers as a counselor. Everyone at camp talks about Ozone! I love the community of Northwest Arkansas and I was excited to have a chance to serve the Lord in a community that I love so much. CWE is a place where I had already built a lot of roots. I wanted to be committed to the CWE family because I had already invested so much of my time and heart in that community.
How else do you spend your time besides school and Ozone?
I intern for my church, hang out with friends, read, hike, spend time with my family, build campfires, and run!
If you could have any career, and skills weren’t an issue, what would you choose?
I would be a Broadway Actress. It would be SO FUN.
What are your plans for the future?
I want to be a teacher. My dream job would be an ESL teacher. I really love family ministry, and being an elementary school teacher is a great way to serve kids and families. Teachers, next to parents, have the biggest influence in kids' lives.
What’s your favorite part of being an Intern with Ozone?
I love to see God proven through the work of CWE. I love seeing the way that CWE makes an impact not only during the summer but all year round. I love seeing lives change, and that kind of change doesn’t happen in just two weeks. I love seeing kids learn that God isn't just at camp.
Do you have any favorite memories or stories from your time with Ozone?
World Dinner. I loved seeing kids get passionate about the poor; seeing them want to serve others who have less. I have also loved watching Juju [Brashears, senior Ozone student] become a Godly woman and really claim her faith.
Describe your perfect day.
Let's see... my perfect day... sleep in till 10, wake up and read for two hours outside, go on a picnic at Wilson Park with my friends and eat a Jason's Deli salad, go hiking at the Buffalo River and float in the river, then go have dinner with my family at their house. My dad would cook salmon and we would eat my mom's strawberry cake for dessert. After dinner I would build a campfire in my backyard and have all the people sit around in crazy creek chairs and talk.
Maggie will be moving to south Arkansas this summer and will begin a two-year term as a teacher in the Teach for America program. We will miss her, but we are so thankful for the way God has used her to bless the students and families of CWE and Ozone!
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