Kind encouragement, running with a purpose, sidewalk chalking , super fun dance parties and the love of Jesus are all the things that made the morning of December 3rd a terrific way to start the day! Mosaic, a part of Fellowship Bible Church of Northwest Arkansas, established a team of 9 people (myself included) to travel to Nepal January 2nd through the 13th, to serve the Lord and show love to His people. In order to make such an adventure possibe, fundraising had to be done. The “Run for Nepal” event was successful not only in raising funds, but also in bringing the community together for a great cause. Part of the Northwest Arkansas community that was involved in the race were the Springdale Lady Lifeliners! The girls came ready to serve and help out as much as possible! They were in charge of decorating the start and finish line and encouraging runners throughout the race.That may not seem like a big job, but many of the runners were so excited about having the girls cheer for them! It was a great way for them to be involved in bringing the community together for an excellent cause, while learning about service and encouragement. They infused energy and spunk into the entire day! One of the coolest parts about the race was introducing the girls to a church body. Many of the Ozone kiddos in attendance don't have a church that they attend regularly and it was a great opportunity to show the church community in an atmosphere of fun, while still making evident the genuine love of Jesus in the church. Going on this trip means a lot to me personally, and involving these girls in that was so incredible! For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be the glory forever! Romans 11:36
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