Christmas is always a worthy time to celebrate! On Tuesday, December 4, that is precisely what Camp War Eagle families had the chance to do together. Over 150 deserving families, totaling 652 individuals, arrived at the MetroPlex in Rogers for Camp War Eagle’s 6th annual Community Christmas Dinner.
The night was carried out to bless and serve students and families. Providing a wonderful holiday meal, famous to campers as the prized Christmas dinner during their time at Camp War Eagle, varied entertainment & carols, games, fun gifts, groceries and the hopeful message of the Christmas season, Christ himself, were all on the agenda.
A wonderfully faithful and talented Ozone High School Summit leader, Sean Fuller, began the night’s festivities with music, playing holiday tunes on the piano as families arrived and were seated at elaborately decorated tables for dinner. As the meal was served, three campers were then able to perform Christmas favorites. Baylea, a senior at West Fork High School, performed an original song on ukulele she wrote entitled “Christmas at camp.” A Rogers High senior played “Ave Maria” on the cello and Landon Norman, an 8th grader from Washington Junior High played the guitar while singing, “Mary, Did You Know?” The students were interviewed by a host about their experience with camp, the year-round ministry and the Christmas season! A great night of celebration while being able to highlight some very talented students.
Each table of families received superior care from leaders in the year round program who served, aided and attended to their needs throughout the night. It was a blessing to have over 100 volunteers to carry out these tasks! Many summer counselors continue to devote their time, energy, passion and love for Jesus and His people through their involvement with the ministry, this event just being one example. Many leaders testified the joy and excitement of being able to serve and spend time with campers, some of whom they had in their own cabins, and families.
“Awaiting presents being opened, it was so fun to sit with kids in their expectation and guess what the present could be,” Connor, Springdale High School leader.
“I was able to use my Spanish to communicate with the families I was serving... A really fun and great connection,” Ellen, Springdale middle school volunteer.

The spirit of the night can be captured by Colossians 3:15-17:
And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
The hope of the event has always been to give camp families an experience in which to glorify God through celebration, thanksgiving and worship!
As the Christmas season approaches, no matter where we find ourselves, let our hearts be ruled by peace, being thankful as we let the word of Christ dwell richly among us as we celebrate!
From our family to yours, Merry Christmas!
A few photos from the event. More to come on our fan page:
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