Tuesday, January 15, 2013

January Service Lifeline

On January 5th, Lifeline kicked off a new semester as every new semester should be kicked off: with piles of newspaper.
With refreshed vision of the importance of community service this school year, Lifeline students have undertaken the task of beginning two community gardens. In the fall, the majority of 1st Saturday Lifelines gave kids the chance to learn about gardening and make great strides and preparing the gardens, located in Rogers and Springdale. 
Bentonville and Rogers students work on garden beds in November.
As January is a month more synonymous with frosted car windows than flowering buds, elementary students prepped seedlings, getting them all set to start rooting. Many of these tiny plants will be transplanted, as the weather becomes a better fit for outdoor gardening.
The main task at Lifeline, in both north and south locations, was to prepare these seedlings for their bright, healthy future. Newspaper, as students have learned, is a great resource for composting. Thusly, newspaper was the medium of choice for the seeds’ temporary home. 
newspaper cylinders for holding seeds
Using PVC pipe sawed into small sections, newspaper was rolled and folded into cylinders. One cylinder became two, and two became hundreds as the rolling and folding continued joyfully. Instruction followed on filling and planting tiny seeds. Through the nurturing and obedience to detail of the students, the seeds will continue to grow!
Since September, John 15:5 has been at the center what’s been taught at Saturday Service Lifelines. The verse, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing” is a reminder to students how all the good things they do is a product of God working through them and giving them strength. Each month the verse is reviewed, it’s meaning discussed, encouraging them to not only do good things for others, but to rely on God and continue to follow after Him. This month the verse was reviewed by teaching a handful of memorization techniques. Do you like to dance? Sing? Make random noises? Use them. That’s precisely what each student did by using these techniques; small groups were able to creatively recall each word of the verse! It was a productive time to grow, and that’s not just limited to the seeds!
Check out a few photos from this event! For even more, like our CWE365 fan page on Facebook

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