Camp War Eagle, to many students, is one of the best places on earth. From Chow Hall cheers to cabin time to fun and games, Summit students had the opportunity to experience camp life during their spring break. Over 120 students converged on Camp War Eagle for “Recharge,” Ozone’s spring break community service retreat. During the day, students invested over 990 collective hours in the community while nighttime activities consisted of games, a talk, devotional time, and special events.

Not only did the community service help the community, it taught students valuable lessons about how to best utilize their time and serve others. Fayetteville eighth grader Katy Beth Ezell said, “My favorite part was knowing that we were helping people in the whole community and that we were able to actually go somewhere and do something with our Spring Break.”
Students returned to camp each night to enjoy an amazing camp-style Chow Hall dinner. Chow Hall cheers echoed across the room each night, from “Lean With it, Rock With it” to the infamous “Beaver Call.” Cabins bonded with each other through discussions about the upcoming talk or while challenging other cabins during trivia night.
Following dinner each night, the group transitioned to the Crafts Center for a time of worship and learning from God’s Word. During the acoustic-style worship, students sang a variety of familiar songs and were introduced to a few new ones that they enjoyed. Recharge, the theme for the week, was taken from the book of Philippians. Springdale director Wes May began the retreat by talking about why we should look, in action, like Christ. Fayetteville director Ricky Shade shared the next night about having the attitude of Jesus and practicing true humility. Springdale director Erin Wiltse then spoke on the fruits of a life that pursues Christ. Wes May closed out the weekend by sharing his personal story and commissioning students to recharge their thoughts, attitudes, and actions to pursue Jesus in all that they do.
Part two of our look at Summit Retreat will appear on the blog in two days!
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