Sunday, April 28, 2013

Spring Break '13: Summit Retreat Part 2

This is part 2 of a two part series on the great adventure that was Summit Retreat 2013! To read part one, click here.

Nighttime activities began with a photo scavenger hunt, in which students used clues to find props at camp to take pictures with. Cabins then carried their props to the next stations and ended with all of their props at the finish line. Prizes were awarded to the Most Creative Picture, Fastest Time, and Best Face. On another night, students were served hot chocolate and given board games to play in their cabin area. After a hard day at work, students enjoyed the relaxation time together. The last night concluded with a huge black light party, a highlight of the retreat for many campers. Rogers Summit student Michael Wilkinson said, “It was fun, crazy, loud, and all around awesome!” Both campers and counselors dressed in their best black light attire and sported glow-in-the-dark necklaces. Everyone had a great time dancing with others!

The spring break retreat also included the second annual Summit retreat Dodgeball tournament. Cabins joined forces in a huge tournament, and the teams competed with each other in a round-robin style tournament. Another notable event was Ozone’s very own “Movie in a Minute” competition. Each cabin was given a popular movie and told to act that movie out in a 60 second timeframe. Movies needed to include up to five scenes, and a wealth of props were available. The event was a crowd favorite.

The retreat concluded on Friday morning with a healthy-eating lesson by Mrs. Karen in the Crafts Center. Students mixed fruit, yogurt, and granola and learned about the nutrition in their food. Students were encouraged to look at the labels on their food and make healthy decisions. They then took pictures, ate one final Chow Hall meal (with a surprise “Planet Eagle” style dance party amidst eating), spent time talking through questions with their cabins, and watched the Retreat video.

Because students were placed in cabins based on location and age, many Ozone students had the opportunity to get to know one another on a far deeper level. As they continue to come to club together each week, those who attended the retreat feel a greater appreciation and understanding of each other. Friendships were born, relationships deepened, and God’s name was made known. That’s what happens at one of the best places on earth.  

Springbreak2013 from CampWarEagle365 on Vimeo.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Spring Break '13: Summit Retreat Part 1

Camp War Eagle, to many students, is one of the best places on earth. From Chow Hall cheers to cabin time to fun and games, Summit students had the opportunity to experience camp life during their spring break. Over 120 students converged on Camp War Eagle for “Recharge,” Ozone’s spring break community service retreat. During the day, students invested over 990 collective hours in the community while nighttime activities consisted of games, a talk, devotional time, and special events.

Students spent their days serving the community in venues like the Jones Center in Springdale and the Rogers Activity Center. Ozone utilizes both buildings for club each week, and spring break allowed students the opportunity to give back. At the Jones Center, students participated in a variety of projects including painting lines in the parking lot, cleaning the playground, painting the inside of the Youth Strategies building, and raising the grade on the back sidewalk. At the Rogers Activity Center, they had the opportunity to work in the gardens, sort jerseys, and help complete other needed tasks in the building. Several of the older boy cabins traveled to Hobbs State Park, where they transported mulch to improve the picnic area.

Not only did the community service help the community, it taught students valuable lessons about how to best utilize their time and serve others. Fayetteville eighth grader Katy Beth Ezell said, “My favorite part was knowing that we were helping people in the whole community and that we were able to actually go somewhere and do something with our Spring Break.”

Students returned to camp each night to enjoy an amazing camp-style Chow Hall dinner. Chow Hall cheers echoed across the room each night, from “Lean With it, Rock With it” to the infamous “Beaver Call.” Cabins bonded with each other through discussions about the upcoming talk or while challenging other cabins during trivia night.

Following dinner each night, the group transitioned to the Crafts Center for a time of worship and learning from God’s Word. During the acoustic-style worship, students sang a variety of familiar songs and were introduced to a few new ones that they enjoyed. Recharge, the theme for the week, was taken from the book of Philippians. Springdale director Wes May began the retreat by talking about why we should look, in action, like Christ. Fayetteville director Ricky Shade shared the next night about having the attitude of Jesus and practicing true humility. Springdale director Erin Wiltse then spoke on the fruits of a life that pursues Christ. Wes May closed out the weekend by sharing his personal story and commissioning students to recharge their thoughts, attitudes, and actions to pursue Jesus in all that they do.

Part two of our look at Summit Retreat will appear on the blog in two days!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Primetime Student Blog: Zach, Fayetteville

Zach is a 7th grade homeschool student who lives in Elkins. Zach’s been attending Ozone regularly since it began in Fayetteville back in 2007. Zach is an adventurous guy who loves to explore. Recently he shared with us why he appreciates and enjoys Ozone in Fayetteville.

Zach at Father/Son Retreat
I come to Ozone because I can make more friends and to see people I have already met. I also like to come to Ozone because they study one book of the Bible at a time, so we can go more in depth of what we are learning. A good example of that would be last year, we were talking about the book of Matthew. We talked about the Gospel: Jesus's birth, life, death and resurrection. Ozone has helped me learn the Gospel and much more.
Ozone has changed other parts of my life by making me more courageous and faithful to God, even talking to other people about God.
In ten years, what I'll remember most about Ozone is that people there will be there for me whenever I need them and that they will always love me.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Take a Seat: CWE Mentoring at Popovich Pet Theater

"You've CATS to be kitten me!"
 On April 6th Camp War Eagle Mentoring Program gathered fourteen student/adult matches (28 participants total) and headed to the Walton Arts Center to see an unusually entertaining production of the Popovich Comedy Pet Theater, thanks to a generous partnership with the WAC’s Take a Seat program.  The Popovich production, where the actors are all animals, is a family fun blend of the unique comedy and juggling skills of Gregory Popovich and the amazing talents of his performing house pets. The show consists of 30 animals that were once strays, rescued by Gregory Popovich from animal shelters; 15 house cats, 10 dogs, 3 geese and 2 parrots make up the animal cast!  Fourteen mentoring matches came to enjoy the unique tricks that Popovich trained his rescued animals to perform.  The first scene starts out at a three story downtown apartment complex. The animals are going about their morning, getting the paper and preparing to head off to work. Suddenly, the complex catches on fire. The fire department, which is made up of dogs, comes in on a fire engine to rescue and save the helpless tenants! Every animal knew their cue and performed their parts so well. 
The high point of the scene occurred when a cat tenant was “stuck” in the building and had to jump from the 3rd floor to a life net held by the firemen dogs, which was altogether very impressive.  Sophomore Elyssa, who attended the performance with her mentor, reflected, “I enjoyed it because it had all sorts of animal actors that were very comical. It was good to hang out with other matches and spend some quality time laughing and making memories.”  The morning was filled with laughter as the animal actors continued to impress the audience with their brilliant set of tricks.  The show was a big hit and made for a pretty special group activity for the Camp War Eagle Mentoring Program! 

Monday, April 8, 2013

Primetime Student Blog: Aidan

Aidan and his Father at CWE365's Father-Son Retreat
Aidan is a 7th grader at Elmwood Middle School in Rogers. He’s been faithfully attending Ozone since 2011. He and his friends are very leadership minded, being helpful and responsible at club every week. Aidan and his father took part in the first annual CWE365 Father and Son retreat. Recently, Aidan was asked to share what it is that keeps him coming back to Rogers Primetime.

I come to Ozone because I want to have fun and hang out with my friends. I want to play original games and see my cool leaders. I love to read scripture. It’s so awesome to learn a new story or lesson about the Bible each week. I also love the activities that Ozone presents, such as the Beaver lake clean-up, Spring Break Retreat and more.
Ozone has changed other parts of my life by leading me in a direction I want to be going with my relationship with God. I have learned so many things about Jesus. I have also gotten more involved in the community due to Ozone.
In ten years I will remember that Ozone was where I went to have an awesome time with my best friends. I’ll remember the friendships that grew between me and my leaders and other kids.